Out of Sorts but Back on Track
Hello again. I've been out of touch for a few days but now I'm back in business! I've been feeling a bit under the weather but much better now. My workouts the past few days have been pretty much consisted of running. I need to start thinking tri-style and go for a more regimented schedule of workouts. My workouts lately have been so scattered and unplanned, which is very unlike me. I attended the "Girls Night Out--Tri Style" event at Richardson's Bike Mart last night and learned a few things. The major highlights of the event are on Show 3 of the tri-cast. It was pretty cool. Show 3 editing is coming up this evening and Cara and I are going for another run. I plan on putting more pics up soon but these are the ones that I've found to be the most recent photos of me. I just need to become more blogger savvy. Okay, I'm off...
Me and some friends hanging out after my last tri.
Post Race Blues...and Reds
Okay, so the race is over and the results are in. I have both good news and bad news. Good news first (the reds): 1) I didn't drown 2) I substantially decreased my transition times 3) I hit my bike goal 4) and I finished the race with energy to spare!!! I'm proud of myself. The course was extremely fun and the triathletes were great. I felt pumped the entire time! The bad news (the Blues): 1) my swim time wasn't so good, however, I did feel like I was being a bit held up by the swimmers in front of me. Don't get me wrong, I'm by no means a great swimmer, but I think I could've gotten a faster time if I would've categorized myself more accurately. 2) I think I talked too much on the run and decreased my run time a bit too much. Like I said, the race was fun and I had a lot of energy. So I was talking to racers throughout the entire race. One guy was walking and I told him to follow me so we could talk to the finish. He ended up running the rest of the way with me, which was at least 2.5 miles. Way to go, Peter!! I think that probably slowed my time a smidge but it was worth getting to know a fellow triathlete. That's one of the best parts about racing in my opinion. So, my run time wasn't as good as I was hoping but I was still stoked at the finish line and proud of my new-found-friend for finishing with a bang!! I think I'll focus on the positives of this first race of the season and try to improve on my shortcomings for the next race. Cara and I are recording our second show this evening and also going for a 5 mile run. I took yesterday off from exercising so I'm ready to get going again!! Okay, I'm off...
It's on the Web
Well, finally, after the title comes the debut!! Check out our first podcast: www.intransitduo.com We're attempting to get everything set so that it's on iTunes. That will hopefully be finished by next week. Race speaking, I went and picked up my race packet today and checked out the course for tomorrows race. I felt a little nervous looking at the gigantic pool. But, I feel excited to finally get going for the season!! I have to get to sleep early tonight; it looks like I'll be waking up at 4:15 tomorrow morning. I'll post my race times tomorrow! It's a 400M swim; 15 mile bike; and a 5K run. Okay, I'm off...