Saturday, August 05, 2006

Yo! Rock Climbing...STELLAR!

Put me on a rock because I'm a freakin' spider!!! Okay, so yeah, rock climbing is super hard, but it's super freakin' sweet. If you want to keep your fingers the way they are, then don't rock climb. But if you're ready to use every single muscle in your upper body and back, this is the sport for you. I admit, I didn't have much of a technique since it was my first time so I didn't have the equal usage of my body parts down as most seasoned rock climbers do. I basically pulled myself up the rocks with my arms. It was so cool. I like to think I have a pretty strong upper body and I tend to pull myself whenever I have the chance, so I wasn't surprised by my choice of muscle groups today. But holy about a sport that uses so much core. It was amazing!

First, let me explain the climbing lingo to the best of my knowledge. There are levels in rock climbing. 0-1-2-3-4 and 5. Five is basically verticle (a 90 degree angle). Then after 5, it goes into 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, etc. With every increasing decimal, the harder the slope. It goes up to 5.13 or so then it moves onto 5.14a, 5.14b, 5.14c...and so on. I think I have that right. I could be totally wrong, but that's what I got out of it today. Anyway...

We did three runs. The first run was a 5.8 and was the "hardest" of the day. However, I zoomed right up there without a problem. It was so cool! I had a lot of trouble at first trying to find where to begin but I figured it out and had a hoot of a time. Run two was a 5.6 or 5.7, I can't remember. It was pretty easy half way up and then it was literally a climb where you had to have your back to the ground. It was crazy but really cool. I had a bit of trouble with placement on this one but I figured it out and made it to the top with no problem.

Run three...well, run three was a different story. This was supposed to be the easiest of the day, sitting at a 5.5. Basically it was a crack in the rock and we were supposed to climb up it. Just imagine a wall with a crack in it. It was crazy hard. Granted I had no technique for climbing a crack but I was determined to get to the top. It took me FOREVER to figure out how the heck I was supposed to get up it. I stood on the ground for a long time studying the rock. At last, with the help of my instructors and friends, Alberto and Ana, I made it up, slowly but surely. This was by far the hardest run of the day. But it was awesome getting to the top and slapping the carabiner. What a rush!

I think we're going out again for another day of climbing in a couple of weeks. I'll have to report again how that goes. My suggestion to those who have never climbed, go with some friends that know what they're doing and take a chance. It's an incredible time and you learn about yourself and your body while you climb.

Sorry this took me forever to post, I had it as a draft and forgot to post it. Thanks for being patient! I'm off...


Blogger TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

OK, now you're getting to me. I'm gonna have to try that rock climbing thing soon.

Good job!

Stay tuned...

12:36 PM  
Blogger triscott said...

leave it up to a triathlete to call a climb a "run" your to funny. Use your legs girl, use your legs!!!!

4:14 PM  

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